Version 1.1 10/9/98 Changed "Modeling areas" to Wells/Recharge sites" in output label. Removed plot for net impact on stream when "Show diversion/recharge data" checked. Most combo boxes will now accept as an event. Model no longer displays "Run OK" on successful run of sdf.exe. Version 1.0.3 1/15/99 Fixed Ac-Ft to CFS conversion to be 1.9835 Removed READMEs from installation setup. Put Graphics Server help files in the main program directory rather than the help dir so that they should now be found when selected in graphs. Proper procedure for installing any software should include removing it first. This will insure that the start menu gets correctly updated when SDFView is removed. (A note to this effect has been included in the setup dialog.) Added version string to the top of the SDF input file. This will help insure that new versions are able to use old input files and make upgrades transparent. When a new SDFView project is started, initial well label strings for the pumping tables were incorrect. They are now consistent with the strings that are displayed when a well is selected. Pumping record button has been set to become disabled when the site is a recharge site. Also the multi-line nature of the button has been fixed so that the text is always displayed on a single line. End year in output box no longer displays -1 when there is no data. SDF window now resizes. Well table units are now displayed on a new line to help set them apart and be more apparent to the user. Application efficiency for pumping records no longer shifts when a new year mode is selected. Output for SDF now can be viewed using the three year modes. When both graph types are selected in the output view, the graphs will now tile, each using half the display. Graph title text now shows the type of output displayed. Carriage returns in tables will now cause the next vertical cell to be edited (like down arrow already does). Output year can no longer occur before the output begin year. Editable combo boxes have been replaced with text fields. Run components of GUI have been moved to the bottom of the view in order to more logically fit the downward progression of input generation. Project synthetic data button has been removed. Now the synthetic data composition dialogs will only appear when the length of the output data is changed. Warning dialog boxes will now appear when the user tries to shorten the period of record for well input. Pumping record dialog now will only report monthly values. Application efficiency now is updated properly when the year type is changed. 1/19/99 Modifed text for warning message that is displayed when pumping is used to specify consumptive use for a well. Fixed bug where reducing the number of synthesized years would not put the correct amount of years in the table. Added SDF values to the well text and graph output. 1/25/99 Fixed output so that the last column now says 'total' rather than the first month. Yearly data should now produce correct text output (was empty before). Version 1.0.5 1/26/99 Various text updates. Added a 'recalculate' button that allows resynthesizing data. Bug in table pasting where only the first row would be pasted was fixed. SDF model had a bug where the synthetic description text string was too short for the text (caused an input overflow). Version 1.0.8 3/1/99 Boxes were added around the historical and synthesized portions of the GUI. Paste into synthesized table was added. Editing of the sythesized table will cause the synthesized description to say "user-defined". Wells can be added and deleted in groups using a text box to add a count value to. Output can now be viewed using wordpad. A 13th column was added to the output that reflects cumulative totals for each year. Version 1.0.9 3/3/99 Only tabs can be used as separators now when pasting data into tables. Clipboard functions were tested on an NT machine and seemed to work. Added context-sensitive menus to historic and synthetic tables for copying and pasting. Version 1.0.11 3/5/99 Added context-sensitive menus for well table. Setup now installs to SDFView directly, no SPMAP references anymore. Version 1.0.12 3/8/99 Fixed spelling error in "edit->paste into synthesized table" Fixed pumping record dialog so that "flow volume" now appears in column labels when "ac-ft" is selected. Fixed output so that no-data values for total and cumulative total now show up as a '-'. Also, no cumulative total is shown for the average year. 3/9/99 Fixed problem where well table edits wouldn't set the document as dirty. Version 1.1.1 3/19/99 Increased the data span to be 100 years, up from 55 years. Version 1.1.2 3/26/99 Fixed crash that would occur when the user tried to change the year type when there were no wells entered. Version 1.1.6 5/21/99 Fixed pumping editing bug where edits would get saved to the wrong well. Fixed bug in sdf model where the number of days were being generated incorrectly (the method assumed calendar year and not irrigation year). Version 1.1.7 5/24/99 Added options dialog for importing tab-delimited files so users can now specify different year types and units. Version 1.1.8 6/22/99 Increased width of the sdf days output to F9.1. Version 1.1.9 6/30/99 Added recharge site option to tab-delimited input file (non-zero value in the cell after the SDF value indicates recharge). Version 1.1.10 7/14/99 Changed model to use actual days in the month instead of the average days in month. Version 1.1.11 7/15/99 Fixed bug in interface where importing CUModel data would not set the document as dirty (this could cause a popup to appear when the run button is pressed saying 'Unable to cd to directory'). Version 1.1.12 7/20/99 Fixed bug where changing the units would not cause the input file to be saved (didn't detect the document as modified). Version 1.1.10 introduced a bug in the model where the input data was always being converted to average daily pumping even if it was already in average daily units; this has been fixed. Version 1.1.13 7/21/99 Changed SDF model so that the ITM (running total of days) would correctly add leap year (before it was assuming leap year occurred every fourth year). Added to interface an option to allow the user to select either the average days per month or the actual days when converting from monthly to daily values and back (the model originally just used the average days per month). Version 1.2.0 7/28/99 Fixed bug where leap year wasn't handled correctly (always assumed the year was a leap year when converting monthly and daily pumping). Fixed bug where input data with one year of pumping would not correctly shuffle years when converting between year types. Fixed bug where a current table edit would cause any table changes such as a year change or units change to not take effect for that cell. Version 1.2.3 10/5/99 Fixed bug where spaces in input and output filenames in the sdf.exe arg list weren't being parsed correctly (putting them in ""'s seems to have fixed the error). Version 1.2.4 10/13/99 Modifed the depletion & diversion graphs to use consistent scales, display a grid, and use 5 breaks along Y axis. Version 1.2.6 10/11/00 Changed text in import dialog to "Soil Moisture" from "Water Budget". Fixed bug where cancelling the import dialog would cause a crash. Version 1.2.7 11/28/00 Upgraded setup program so that now an uninstall is no longer necessary. Changed tables to new GridCtrl. The window will now resize to fit all available space, including the well import dialog. New program icons! Version 1.2.8 12/5/00 Graph control now will save its state to the same directory as the SDFView project. This means that every project in a given directory will use the same style for a given type of graph. 1/2/01 Fixed error in pumping record where data would shift one column to the right when saving. Version 1.3 1/26/01 Transposed well-pumping dialog so that it conforms to the CUModel. Added recharge record entry dialog. 1/31/01 Added import of legacy SDF format. Added well efficiencies for well pumping records for every year rather than the current single efficiency for every year. 2/1/01 Recharge and Well Pumping dialogs have additional start and end year combos that allow the user to mix direct flows/recharges with pumping/recharge records. Start year now starts at 1900. 2/15/01 Added GPM to well import dialog. 2/19/01 Fixed bugs: NCWCD format now uses average daily values; all NCWCD entries should now be read (no longer truncated); and fixed crash in tab-delimited import. Also made a slight text change in menu for NCWCD menu item. 3/13/01 Pan evap in recharge dialog changed to pond evap. Table columns will now resize after being edited. Version 1.3.1 9/13/01 Changed the interface to allow the user to now preproject data in the same way that data can be synthesized after the historical data. 10/8/01 When viewing in wordpad, the temporary file is now deleted. 10/9/01 Modified behavior so that when pre or post years are added, the simulation start or end year is changed to the start or end. 2/1/02 Fixed bug in adding old NCWCD format data where the program would crash if it wasn't in calendar year mode. Version 1.3.3 3/21/02 Added precision field in the output window to control how many significant digits to display. Also changed the model so that it now uses 4 digits to the right of the decimal. Fixed error where re-running a project would not close previously displayed output windows. Version 1.3.4 6/14/02 Added ET method used in the pumping calculation when importing from SPCU to the well name text. Version 1.3.5 9/3/02 Fixed format error (total fields were too small). Version 1.3.6 9/17/02 Added checkbox and edit box to allow the user to ignore pumping/recharge after a given year (saves them having to create special input cases). Version 1.3.8 10/1/02 Small change in the way SDFView imports SPCU data (now it uses the spreadsheet importer and not the .owl importer). Version 1.3.9 10/4/02 Fixed error introduced in previous version where project files could no longer be read. Version 1.3.10 10/8/02 Bug fixes. Version 1.3.11 12/16/02 Added new menu pulldown: "Add Data from other Project". This allows the user to combine several projects into one. The files can be of any year range; any data that falls outside the historical or synthesized range of years is discarded. Fixed bug in tab-delimited import where the start year would not be set correctly. There was also a bug where the year type was not being set correctly. When setting the precision in the output, all decimal places will now be shown. If no precision is specified, then the output is free form. Version 1.3.12 2/12/03 Set precision to always be 1 in output. Version 1.3.13 2/26/03 Fixed error in import where start year would not be set correctly. Version 1.3.14 2/28/03 Fixed "view in wordpad" so that it stops outputting crud. Version 1.3.15 3/14/03 Fixed error where new SDFView files could not be saved. Fixed error where tab-delimited files would not import correctly. Version 1.3.16 3/19/03 Fixed error where small displays would cause the input screen to shrink to where tables could not be seen. Now the scrollbars should work properly. Version 1.3.17 4/7/03 Fixed error where import from SPCU would not work with new splash screen. Version 1.3.18 4/16/03 Fixed bug in recharge record calculator where negative recharges were sometimes being produced. Version 1.3.19 4/16/03 Added new feature in output: A site called "Total of Selection" now appears before "Recharge Summary" that represents the sum of pumping and depletions of the selected well and/or recharge sites. Version 1.3.20 6/26/03 Fixed import from SPCU where the user will now be prompted to select a filename before running the program. Version 1.3.21 10/7/03 Changed interface to always change the year type to irrigation before running. Version 1.3.22 11/17/03 Added flag to check if well data was being imported from IDSCU, in which case the import defaults dialog would be suppressed. 12/12/03 Fixed an error where the interface wasn't detecting that the model was done running under windows 98. Version 1.3.23 12/24/03 Fixed "Add Data From Project" so that it won't create new sites if the site already exists. Version 1.3.24 12/25/03 Added options to "Add Data From Project": add as new, update if same name otherwise add as new, and update by position (first site ovewrites first site in project, etc). Version 1.3.25 12/26/03 Fixed bug where "Add Data From Project" would not properly check to make sure that the year types between the new project and the current project are the same. Now well data should add in properly regardless of year types. Version 1.3.26 12/27/03 Made some tweaks to the scrolling code because the bottom portion of the screen was being cut off. Disabled "Import from CU Model" because reading from the raw IDSCU output might not give the right results due to modifications that the IDSCU interface makes to the model output. Please export to SDFView from IDSCU. Fixed error in "Total Of Selection" in output. Version 1.3.27 1/5/04 More tweaks to the scrolling code so that the interface can be viewed at 640x480. Version 1.3.28 1/27/04 Fixed error in the calculation of days per month. Leap year was not being handled correctly (February would always have 29 days if the project started in a leap year). Version 1.4 2/20/04 Changed the way the model deals with different year types. Now instead of always running in irrigation year format, it will run in the native mode of the dataset. The model will now run using a new option accessible in the properties dialog, constant pumping or middle-of-the-month pumping. The original is the middle of the month mode, and the new mode is used if you want to average the pumping throughout the month. The sdf calculation for the middle of the month mode has been refined. Version 2.0 2/24/04 Just moved the version number up to reflect the degree of change in the model. Fixed average monthly calculation when SDF=0. Version 2.0.1 Added copy menu to output table. Added check for updates. Version 2.0.2 3/1/04 Table selections will now show the average and sum in a bubble popup if the mouse is moved over the selection. Table data should now paste into Quatro Pro. Version 2.0.3 3/2/04 Remove debug print statements in sdf model, which will speed the model up considerably. Added execution dialog so that the progress can be monitored and the model cancelled. Version 2.0.4 3/4/04 Added ability to multiply projected values by a monthly value. Fixed bug in average daily mode where the model would think that total monthly was being used. Changed model and interface so that the years used to calculate pre- and post-projected data are now stored. Version 2.0.5 4/23/04 Fixed bug where leap years were being calculated incorrectly because I was calculating the leap year using the start year of the data rather than basing it on the start year of the simulation. Version 2.0.6 4/30/04 Fixed bug where toggling display in output of wells was not causing the project to request to save itself before running the model. Fixed bug where recharge sites and irrigation were not being correctly labeled as such in the output. Version 2.0.7 5/3/04 Made a change to "Save To File" in the output screen -- now tabs are used instead of commas as separators in order to make it easier to import the data into a spreadsheet. Similarly, commas are now ignored when pasting from a spreadsheet into an SDFView table. Version 2.0.8 5/3/04 Made change to tab-delimited text importer: quotes around well names are now removed. Version 2.0.9 5/5/04 Altered how new years are added; if there is pre- or post-projected data available, then new historical years will be taken from the equivalent projected year. Version 2.0.10 12/14/04 Fixed error in "Add Data from Other Project" where the project being added was always treated as being calendar year. Version 2.0.11 5/18/05 Updated version checker to query new version of MySQL server.