BETA releases Version 1.2 3/11/02 1. Added units to plots for original style. 2. Fixed bug where X axis would not show labels. Version 1.3 4/5/02 1. Added output unit selection to output (acre-feet or gallons). 2. Model now only generates output in acre-feet. 3. Added units (GPM) to original input pumping table header. 4. Fixed error in time units in graph and added time units to table. 5. Added context menus for all tables for printing, copying, and pasting. Version 1.6 9/8/03 1. Original output page now sets pumping units to CFS when in acre-feet mode. 2. Tab-delimited text files can now be imported using the open dialog. Version 1.7 9/10/03 1. Fixed error where adding multiple wells in the original mode would crash the system. 2. Added some error checking -- enforce distance of river to boundary > distance of well to river. Version 1.8 10/7/03 1. Fixed error where removing years from dataset would cause a crash. 2. Put in forecasting. Version 1.9 10/29/03 1. Fixed error in import from text file (IDSCU Model). 11/5/03 2. Added check to ensure that datasets produced by newer versions of the model can't be read in by older versions. 1/16/04 3. Added help to project. Version 1.10 1/21/04 1. Removed error message when W is less than X and the boundary condition is not an alluvial aquifer. Version 1.2 3/24/04 Lots of changes under the hood. Year types can now be changed, and data can be toggled between monthly and daily values can be in the "modified" mode. Version 1.2.1 3/29/04 Changed model so that it runs in daily mode internally if the display type is "modified" and the timestep is monthly. Version 1.2.2 3/29/04 Fixed error in summary output where totals were not being calculated correctly. Version 1.2.3 3/31/04 Added testawas.txt to the example directory; it was left out from earlier versions. Version 1.2.4 3/31/04 Fixed error in forecasting. Version 1.2.5 4/9/04 Well pumping record (Q) units in modified version were not being saved or displayed properly. Removed option to switch from original to modified mode because the modified view needs more information than is available in the original version. The window is now enforces a minimum size (scrollbars will appear if the display is too small). Added text to new file menu: now original has "Schroeder" added and modified has "Extended Schroeder" added. Version 1.2.6 4/15/04 Fixed graphic for alluvial aquifer (section 4.2) in the help file. Version 1.2.7 4/15/04 Fixed errors in deleting wells. Version 1.2.8 5/6/04 Fixed error in monthly output of data where leap years were not being handled correctly. Version 1.2.9 5/10/05 Fixed bug in original mode where cycles were not being handled correctly. Fixed bug in original mode where the last output item in each table was not showing up. Fixed bug where uncommitted table edits were not being saved before the model is run. 5/11/04 Fixed error where deleting pumping records would cause a crash. Fixed error in original model where rows in the depletion table would not be removed if the new site selection had fewer output rows than the previous selection. Several fixes to partial segment code in the model. Version 1.2.10 5/24/04 More fixes to the forecasting code. Version 1.2.11 5/25/04 Added AWAS importer. Either select the SDFView file from the open menu or "Import from SDFView" from the file menu. Version 1.2.12 5/26/04 Introduced a bug that would cause the project to bog down that should now be gone. Unfortunately this probably corrupted any projects that you were using, so try to regenerate the projects if at all possible. Version 1.2.13 5/26/04 Added control of precision to the output. Added "Total of Selection" to the site list. 5/27/04 Added execution dialog. Version 1.2.14 5/27/04 Fixed bug where imported text or SDFView files would crash after the model was run. Version 1.2.15 5/28/04 Added first cut of well import from shapefile. Click on "Add from DB" under the "Functions" menu. Use "Select dBase" to locate the directory containing the shapefiles and use "Configure Columns" to choose the .dbf file. More fixes to the output code to improve stability of program. Version 1.2.16 6/1/04 Added add to project. This can be used to append other AWAS projects, SDFView files, or text files. 6/2/04 Added print button to IDS output page and also set the print icon to be active when that page is being displayed. Fixed error where output was not being shown correctly in the original (Schroeder) mode when there was more than one cycle. Version 1.2.17 6/2/04 Broke code that reads the output in the previous version; this version should fix it. Increased precision of output. Version 1.2.18 6/11/04 Changed SDFView importer so that it will add an extra year at the beginning if the year type is not calendar in order to preserve the months of data before January. Version 1.2.19 6/22/04 Increased precision of output (there was a bug where the maximum precision was 3 decimal places). Version 1.2.20 6/23/04 Introduced garbage values into new well data; this version should initialize input values to 0 again. Fixed text in database import dialog. Version 1.2.21 6/24/04 Killed a bug where changing the period of record would erase the pumping data. Version 1.2.22 6/24/04 Fixed error where data was being shifted after opening a project. Version 1.2.23 6/29/04 Added option to run the model in monthly mode using average days per month (rather than run the model in a daily timestep using average daily values). Fix units error in import of transmissivity values -- values will be multiplied by 1000 to convert from 1000 GPD to GPD. Added shapefile reader. Access this using the Functions pulldown and select "Add From DB". Click "Select dBase" in the import dialog and surf to where the well shapefilea are. Next click "Configure Columns", and a dialog will appear with a selection of all the dbf files in the "Table" pulldown at the top. Select the file with the wells you want to add. **NOTE: there is a limit of ten characters in the table name. Errors will appear if the table has more than ten. You will want to copy the well's dbf file to a new name that is shorter if you see errors. Select the Site Name and any other parameters. If the shapefile was attributed using the SPMAP transmissivity calculator, then the proper field names should appear in each column. If the project already contains wells, then the program will try to match up wells from the dBase file to those in the project by comparing well names. There must either be an exact match, or if the dataset was produced using one of the South Platte augmentation groups database which produces well names in the form ", , , ", then if the shapefile's well_id is matched to the well name, this will update the parameters for the well with the same well ID. Version 1.2.24 7/12/04 Changed table name query so that all tables and queries in the database will be available, not just tables. Version 1.2.25 7/23/04 Changed model so that zero transmissivity will force output to zero. This bug was causing 'nan' to be output, which was breaking the output reader because it would expect numbers only. Version 1.2.26 7/25/04 Fixed error in database importer where wells with non-numeric site IDs were not being added. Version 1.2.27 7/27/04 Fixed error where the "Save As" option would display the wrong file type when using a file that was imported using the "Open" dialog. Fixed a bug I introduced when fixing the zero transmissivity problem that caused the SDF calculation to be set to zero unless transmissivity data was greater than zero. Version 1.2.28 8/13/04 Added units option to database import that allows for conversion from feet to meters. Version 1.2.29 8/31/04 Fixed crash that would occur after running the model. Upgraded to new version of Graphics Server (6.1). Version 1.2.30 9/2/04 Fixed bug in graph output where graphing the net impact or net accretion or depletion would crash the program. Version 1.3.0 9/20/04 Updated source code to compile with Visual Studio 7.1 Added simulation start year, end year, and "ignore pumping after year". Version 1.3.1 9/22/04 Fixed crash when adding datasets with different periods of record to projects. Fixed bug that would cause the interface to crash when loading output. Version 1.3.2 9/23/04 Fixed windows explorer issues where .sdf and .txt would get set to open IDS AWAS instead of SDFView and a text editor. Also double-clicking on a file in windows explorer should open itself in IDS AWAS. Fixed bugs where adding files to an existing project would cause the original data to sometimes be deleted. Fixed errors reading data in non-calendar year formats where the first months would get cut off. This is fixed by creating an extra year at the beginning of the project to hold the months that would be cut off. Version 1.3.3 9/29/04 Several miscellaneous bug fixes. Version 1.3.4 10/11/04 Fixed error where exporting from IDSCU would no longer open in AWAS. Entering a zero in the output precision will now display values with zero decimals places as expected. Enter a negative number to get full precision. Version 1.3.5 10/11/04 Changed format of daily table data to conform with the IDSCU model. Now year and months go down the row and days are across. 11/1/04 Changed dBase driver to see if that helps read dbf files on XP. 11/02/04 Added more options to spreadsheet import. The well header should now have the form: Version 1.3.6 11/3/04 Fixed average monthly calculation so that flows are calculated using average days in the month rather than the actual days in the month. Version 1.3.7 11/3/04 Year type is now used when displaying input (it used to be stuck on calendar year). Changed back average monthly calculation for depletions from version 1.3.6 but diversions should still be consistent with the input screen. Fixed "Add to Project" so that doesn't erase the original data. Version 1.3.8 11/15/04 Fixed error in output where the summaries were not showing the correct diversion numbers. An extra year is now added at the beginning of the period if non-calendar year types are used. Version 1.3.9 11/29/04 Worked on improving the non-calendar year data display. The user can now choose to start the simulation at a particular month and also can zero out pumping starting at a particular month as well. The Properties dialog now has a table for entering monthly multipliers for projected data. Version 1.3.10 11/30/04 Previous version broke old input files; should now be fixed. Version 1.3.11 12/2/04 Fixed several errors related to preforecasting data. Changed "Ignore pumping/recharge after" to blank out data after the selected month instead of at the beginning of the selected month. This conforms to SDFView. Version 1.3.12 12/2/04 Updated the example file to one with generic wells. Added ability to remove wells from output by toggling the "Show in Output" flag in the well table (after the SDF column). Values can be changed one at a time by clicking on the yes/no in the column or all at once by double-clicking on the column header. Version 1.3.13 12/6/04 Added setting of precision to projected data using a text box in the Properties dialog. Pre and post projected data cells should now be drawn in green. Fixed errors that would occur when using "Add To Project" with datasets from different year types. Version 1.3.14 12/7/04 "Add to Project" should now be working. Changed precision setting so that a blank value means no rounding will take place; otherwise the number entered will be the number of places to round to. Version 1.3.15 12/8/04 Fixed more errors in "Add to Project". Version 1.3.16 12/10/04 Added a menu item "Show All Wells In Output" under the "Functions" menu. Changed first column in output table to be copiable. Version 1.3.17 12/10/04 Fixed error in text import where recharge sites were not being read correctly. The format for a well header is: SDF w b tr s dxx The user is also now asked for the year format when importing a text file. Version 1.3.18 12/13/04 Fixed issues with daily data and non-calendar years. Version 1.3.19 12/13/04 Made text importer more robust. Version 1.3.20 1/7/05 Fixed SDFView import error where the historical start year would not get set right if the year type was non-calendar. Version 1.3.21 1/7/05 Fixed text import error where the last month's value would get dropped. Version 1.3.22 1/20/05 Fixed error where making edits to pumping could cause the site to generate output with zeros. Version 1.3.23 1/25/05 Fixed error in original (Shroeder) mode when using a cyclic period. Version 1.3.24 2/1/05 Fixed error where using a multiplier when projecting data would add extra time periods to the output. If the warning "Warning: output contains extra data." appears, this is most likely the cause. Regenerate the projected data by clicking on "Properties" and hitting the OK button. Version 1.3.25 2/28/05 Fixed error where forecasting properties weren't being saved properly. Fixed error where daily data was not being forecasted properly. Fixed error where year in the forecast dialog would not be set to the right year when using "Use Given Year" mode. Version 1.3.26 2/28/05 If opening a text file, the program will check for an AWAS project with the same name, and if one exists, will ask if the user wants to add the data to it. Mainly this affects those exporting from IDSCU because existing export files with AWAS parameters will not get overwritten. Version 1.3.27 3/1/05 Removed code that was bogging down the software. Should be much faster now. Version 1.3.28 3/2/05 Fixed scroll bar problem in the Properties dialog where scrolling to December when adding multiplier data would cause the program to freeze. Multiplier for synthesized data now only applies to forward projections. Version 1.3.29 4/7/05 If alluvial aquifer parameters are zero, then depletion will be instantaneous rather than zero. Version 1.3.30 4/11/05 Fixed error in setting partial segment lengths where the distance entries would not stay in the right column. Version 1.3.31 5/1/05 Fixed error where the start year was being incorrectly displayed in the properties dialog for non-calendar year types. This would cause an extra year to be added at the beginning of the dataset whenever the properties window was closed. Added "Modify Forecast Options" in properties window to allow users to not update projected data if they don't want to. For example, if the user just wanted to change the year type, unselecting this option would preserve the original settings while not overwriting data that was already projected. NOTE: if the period of historical record is changed, the forecast options will be reset if "Modify Forecast" is unchecked. Added warning if the output tab is selected when the input has been changed. Useful for when the model needs to be re-run. Added spreadsheet display option that slightly alters the output format. Primarily it is to create a text file that can be viewed in Excel and imported into AWAS without any changes. The output shown in the GUI is a subset of the values written to the spreadsheet file. I tried to make the text import option smarter when guessing what boundary condition to apply to each site. 5/9/05 1.3.32 Excel export will now work in directories that contain spaces. Import of new spreadsheet format should now work. Exported starting years were being written out in calendar year rather than USGS or Irrigation if the dataset was not calendar year. If a subset of years is chosen for export, the spreadsheet will change the period of record to reflect the selection. Note that the selected years must be continuous. Overhauled the year type code again. It's probably still dicey, but hopefully it's closer to working. Added option to export diversions and depletions to spreadsheet as positive numbers. 5/10/05 1.3.33 Fixed more errors in forecasting. Spreadsheet option no longer selects all the sites and years. Increased precision of output. 5/11/05 1.3.34 Fixed error in month entries for run start and ignore start where months before January would be not be converted to the previous year when changing to calendar year (the model runs in calendar year format). Fixed bugs in export to spreadsheet. Added compact spreadsheet format, which is useful for exporting a subset of the dataset for editing. If the spreadsheet has the same name as the original dataset, the original dataset will be opened first, and then the spreadsheet will be added. 5/13/05 1.3.35 Spreadsheet table will now display exactly what is exported to excel. Added "trim id" option that will remove any text after the first comma in the name of a site. The trimmed name will still be able to be associated with the full name if it is read back in. Added test to detect if the input file is older than the output file, which means that the model needs to be rerun. 5/16/05 1.3.36 Fixed more errors in run start. Spreadsheet mode should no longer crash when viewing at summary items. Depletions should now be positive in spreadsheet mode when that option is selected. 5/16/05 1.3.37 Fixed error in spreadsheet output when looking at a summary. 5/24/05 1.3.38 Fixed numerous errors in output of daily spreadsheet-style data. Disabled all pumping record calculations in daily mode until I can get that fixed. 6/6/05 1.3.39 Fixed text import error where only one site would be added in and the pumping data for that site would be that of the last one entered. 6/27/05 1.3.40 Added sorting of sites. Look in the functions menu. 7/15/05 1.3.41 Fixed error in sites using partial segments where returns would start out to be instantaneous rather than zero. There may still be errors in the model code though because I haven't been able to find a dataset that would help me validate the model. The "Show CU of Groundwater/Net Recharge Data" mode in the output was showing incorrect results when using monthly averaging. It is still incorrect for February leap years because the model does not consider leap years when using monthly timesteps. 1.3.42 Forgot to include the new model. 7/18/05 1.3.43 "Depletions are Postive" now applies to both spreadsheet and standard output modes. 9/2/06 1.4.0 Upgraded setup program to Inno Setup. Added additional columns for fine-tuning how to determine what sites get displayed in output. Click on "Custom Output" in the daily page in the upper right-hand corner. These new columns can be deactivated, so you don't have to select each site's value but can choose all the sites in a group in a single click. "Depletions are positive" option in the output screen works for both standard and spreadsheet mode. An option for yearly and cumulative totals has been added to the output. The pumping table position will now stay when a new site name is clicked on in the upper window. Fixed bug where copy and paste of spreadsheets would not work properly if the paste region overlapped teh copy region. Checkbox data should now copy and paste like text. Double-clicking on the header of a column of checkboxes will toggle all the checks in that column in that table. Removed options to change the year style in output because it was causing too many problems. Change the style in the input properties section. Fixed error where importing text files could cause a crash if there were blank columns after the pumping data columns. 1.4.1 9/27/05 Increased minimum width of screen. Custom output now will include sites if at least one active column is checked. The total of all the sites that fall under each customized output category is now calculated and appears before the "Total of Selection" in the site list box. Spaces before and after the site name are now removed when importing. Bug in import fixed from the new output columns. The import format has changed, so old text files may not import correctly. 1.4.2 9/29/05 The number of customizable output columns is now unlimited. Fixed bug where the depletions and diversions for the custom output totals were always positive. 1.4.3 9/30/05 Fixed formatting error in spreadsheet non-compact output where the table was not starting at the top row. 1.4.4 11/2/05 Fixed error where double-clicking on a table header to toggle the check state of all the rows wasn't being saved. Fixed error when adding to project from spreadsheet when the year types are not the same. Data should be now be input correctly. 1.4.5 11/7/05 Fixed error where the last depletion for a year may not be imported in text format. 1.4.6 11/18/05 The projections will no longer change if the year type is changed unless "Modify Forecasting Options" is checked. The columns widths of the input table are now saved. 1.4.7 12/15/05 Fixed several errors in the properties dialog where the user was unable to change the historical or forecasting years. "Depletions Are Positive" check in output is now set to be off by default. Summaries and totals in output should now be displayed correctly regardless of "Depletions Are Positive" check. Fixed crash when plotting "CU of Groundwater Summary". 1.4.8 12/19/05 Fixed error where "Depletions are Positive" mode would not work in spreadsheet mode. Fixed blanking of output table when the output is exported. 1.4.9 1/1/06 Fixed errors that were causing crashes in original mode of the GUI. 1.5.0 2/27/06 Fixed major error in the partial segment code for the alluvial aquifer case. 1.5.1 4/18/06 Fixed formatting error in the monthly output when in spreadsheet mode. Fixed export error when converting daily to monthy. 1.5.2 5/2/06 Added print setup and print to File menu. Fixed errors in pop-up menus in the output tables for the original mode. 1.5.3 5/3/06 Fixed error in gallons output in original mode. The conversion from ac-ft to gallons was incorrect. 1.5.4 6/12/06 Changed copy to include the header row. 1.5.5 6/19/06 Added "Copy Includes Header" to the functions menu. If selected, then copy operations will add the column headers when pasting. Fixed error when initially setting custom output columns. 1.5.6 6/20/06 Fixed error where the program would not run due to missing DLLs because I updated my compiler to Visual Studio 2005. 1.5.7 7/14/06 Fixed error where deleting pumping records in the original mode would cause the model to crash. 1.5.8 7/19/06 Fixed pumping record input so that it changes the consumptive use values (before it did nothing). 1.5.9 7/26/06 Changed the average monthly to no longer bother to worry about the number of days in the month when calculating pumping records. This should make the average days in the month mode be more accurate. 1.5.10 7/27/06 Fixed errors when converting from a monthly to a daily timestep. This occurred when directly changing from monthly to daily in the properties menu, and when running monthly data in non-average mode. 1.5.11 8/4/06 Fixed error when using the "ignore pumping/recharge after" option that would cause a crash. 1.5.12 8/9/06 Added new error function which compares better with error function routine in MSN-Excel spreadsheet in early daily time steps. Results are comparable to within 4 to 5 decimal places. 1.5.13 8/13/06 Fixed error in "Add To Project" where monthly data was being incorrectly stored. Fixed error where after "Add To Project" was run, the project would not be marked as needing to be saved. 1.5.14 8/14/06 Fixed error when reading old versions because they were built using the actual days in the month instead of the average days. 1.5.15 8/14/06 Fixed more errors related to monthly projects. 1.5.16 8/25/06 AWAS language clarifications. 1.5.17 9/12/06 Implemented unit return flow as a new boundary type. Click the button at the end of the table to set the URFs for the current site. 1.5.18 9/17/06 Fixed crash when using URF mode. 1.5.19 5/18/07 Fixed error in text importer. 6/20/07 Fixed error in output display when model has not been run. 1.5.20 7/7/07 Fixed error in forecasting when using the historical cycle mode. 1.5.21 8/19/07 Added new formatting option for output: single column mode. This will display all output in a long column. 1.5.22 8/20/07 Fixed outputting errors with new output mode. 1.5.23 1/7/08 Changed "Add To Project" to remove white space before testing if a well matches and should be overwrittem. 1.5.24 2/22/08 Changed export and import of spreadsheet files to write and read URF values. The URF values go in the same cell as the URF boundary condition cell. 1.5.25 2/22/08 Changed spreadsheet format so that header 2 is now actually written out. To keep backwards compatibility, the line at the end adds two asterisks to the header2 value so the format line now looks like "format is ...". The spreadsheet reader now imports the customization output settings. 1.5.26 3/5/08 Made some speedup changes to the alluvial aquifer calculation. 1.5.27 3/7/08 Forgot to update the model code, so 1.5.26 didn't speed anything up. 1.5.28 3/7/08 Bug fix for new model. 1.5.29 3/13/08 Fixed error in new depletion algorithm. 1.5.30 3/21/08 Added new option called "Database Format" that adds the parameter (diversion or depletion) and the well name on each line. 1.5.31 5/2/08 Changed interface to accept negative pumping and recharge values. This is in response to a request to allow recharge sites the possibility that they may deplete the river. 1.5.32 Fixed error where if the model ran too fast, the model results wouldn't show up in the model execution window. Changed net impact on stream output to show the total recharge or diversions to the stream. Before this change the table displayed zeroes. 1.5.33 5/5/08 Updated help file. 1.5.34 5/21/08 Improved import of well sites from IDSCU so that site names are matched more consistently when updates are made. 1.5.35 5/21/08 Fixed error where importing would wipe out old boundary parameters. This was the result of being able to read boundary values out of IDSCU. The fix is now only boundary values are updated if they are > 0. 1.5.36 6/26/08 Fixed errors in importing from a text file. I tried to keep the old version compatible, but there may be problems. 1.5.38 10/20/08 Fixed more errors when importing from a text file. Now exact site name matches should work (before if a site contained the same text as another site, the other site would sometimes get picked for the update instead of the exact match). 1.5.39 10/20/08 Fixed error where the model would not run if installed on a network drive. 1.5.40 11/3/08 Fixed more errors in import text files. Added "Add Special" to allow for adding sites with names that differ from the original. 1.5.41 12/5/08 Added text changes to URF data entry for sites. 1.5.42 1/6/09 Fixed error is opening old versions of input files. 1.5.43 1/7/09 Added importing of AWAS input files to a project. 1.5.44 1/31/09 Overhauled the URF interface. Users can now enter both monthly and daily URFs. 1.5.45 2/2/09 More URF interface updates. If a daily timestep is used and only monthly URFs are available, then the model will treat the monthly values as daily. Fixed crash when changing year type. 1.5.46 2/7/09 Fixed errors in output display when using daily and spreadsheet and display totals output options. 1.5.47 2/11/09 Fixed errors in output display table where rows would sometimes not get written. Fixed problem with NOT IN SYNC being incorrectly displayed. 1.5.48 3/10/09 Fixed date errors when using non-calendar dates with single column format. 1.5.49 4/2/09 Fixed error in "Add To Project" where the project being added does not have the same number of output columns. 1.5.50 4/2/09 Fixed error where if the name of a site matched any part of another site, they would be considered to be the same site when adding sites from another project. 1.5.51 5/7/09 This is a big change. I've tried to clean out the output so that it is more consistent and makes sense. My main goal was to make sure that the spreadsheet output remains the same as before for those who update the export file and read it back into the interface. 1.5.52 5/15/09 Changed format of daily output so that the month numbers the number in the calendar year rather than starting from 1. 1.5.53 6/15/09 Added option to control whether output is displayed in Excel when exported. 1.5.54 6/19/09 Output display now updates when the model is re-run. The "Ignore pumping recharge after year" no longer resets to when the properties are changed. 1.5.55 6/21/09 Added option to properties window called "Use monthly URFs for daily URFS (month 1=day 1, month 2=day 2, etc); Otherwise month 1 URF used for every day in month 1, etc." This lets the user use monthly URF values on a daily timestep. 1.5.56 6/22/09 Changed monthly to daily URF algorithm to use the full monthly URF for each day in that month rather than the average monthly URF. Fixed graying out problem in Properties window when selecting URF options. 1.5.57 6/29/09 Made internal change to the interface where each site now runs with its own timestep; after the run is finished, the interface will change the timescale of the output to match the project timescale. This is needed for cases where projects with monthly URFs are run when the project converts monthly value to uses average daily. Since monthly URFs cannot be used in daily computations, the model will keep the monthly URF sites in a monthly timestep. 1.5.58 7/6/09 Fixed error where VXPLib was not getting registered if the program was installed on a network drive. Restored application icon. 1.5.59 7/7/09 Fixed error in IDSCU import code where it would no longer recognize the text format. 1.5.60 7/7/09 Made more changes to import code so that the year type is always asked unless the file is opened directly from IDSCU. 1.5.61 7/8/09 Fixed errors in output generation where non-calendar year types would get confused regarding leap year and the days in each month. 1.5.62 7/8/09 Changed the output reader to only update output if the input version matches the interface version. 1.5.63 7/23/09 Fixed crash in model when running in original mode. 1.5.64 8/26/09 Fixed error where changing the period of record on a dataset that is not in calendar year format would have junk data at the beginning of the old starting year. 1.5.65 9/3/09 Fixed error where "Add To Project" when not load in the format with 4 columns (3 years and the timestep) as first line. Fixed crash when changing the well type to recharge. 1.5.66 9/5/09 Fixed another crash that resulted when changing the well type to recharge. Set the "ignore pumping after year" field to the end year of data if it is unset. Added "Select All" to all data table's context menus. 1.5.67 5/27/10 Added back the "standard" output mode that shows the year and day along the row and month in each column. This only affects daily display. This option is called "Month Major". 1.5.68 8/9/10 Fixed year output in input and output screens so that they match the calendary year. 1.5.69 8/12/10 Fixed crash that occurs from the last fix when using "Add Special" to select a text file when using non-calendar years. 1.5.70 8/12/10 Fixed crash that occurs from the last fix when using "Add Special" to select a text file when using non-calendar years in monthly mode. 1.5.71 11/1/10 Fixed error in original mode where the interface would crash because of illegal values in the time units. Now when time units are changed in original mode for a site, it changes the time mode for all sites below that site in the table. 1.5.72 1/4/11 Fixed error where some projects would crash after the model finished. 1.5.73 1/25/11 Added new option for output display, 'single row'. This will put all site data into the same row, creating enough columns to display the entire period. 1.5.74 1/25/11 Fixed error in daily mode for single row output. 1.5.75 1/25/11 Fixed error in display of totals for single row output. 1.5.76 1/25/11 The model now allows for negative flow values. 1.5.77 2/17/11 Tweaked the model calculation to skip zero flow values to improve the speed. 1.5.78 2/27/12 Fixed check for updates under help menu. 1.5.79 2/7/12 Fixed error where table edits were not saving. 1.5.80 2/7/12 Fixed error where imported text files applied did not allow for negative pumping. 1.5.81 2/7/12 Fixed problem running on Windows XP 1.5.82 6/21/13 Recompiled model with VC 2010 to see if that fixes dll errors on some computers. 1.5.83 10/30/13 Fixed error in original mode where the model would crash when the time interval between printouts didn't evenly divide with the number of periods. 1.5.84 8/8/14 Removed mysql, tooltips and ATL from executable to fix crashes on windows 7.