Colorado State University
Big Thompson Watershed Forum

Big Thompson Watershed Forum

The goals of this Forum are to conduct watershed assessment, identify protection measures, educate affected interests, and promote voluntary practices that protect the Big Thompson Watershed and the quality of its waters. The IDS Group provides technical expertise to support these goals.

The mission of the Big Thompson Watershed Forum is to asses and protect the quality of water in the Big Thompson Watershed defined as the geographic area encompassed by the following drainage basins and structures:

  • Big Thompson River upstream of its confluence with the Little Thompson River.
  • Horsetooth Reservoir
  • Carter Lake Reservoir

The goals of the Big Thompson Watershed Forum are to foster stakeholder teamwork in conducting watershed assessment, identifying priority protection measures, educating affected interests, and promoting voluntary practices that protect the Big Thompson Watershed and the quality of its waters.

The IDS Group is one of the participants in this project and tasked with providing technical support for Geographical Information Systems (GIS). As part of this task the following coverages have been developed for Big Thompson Forum and can be downloaded below. The coverages are in the form of shape files and can be used with ArcView.


File Meta Description boundary_bt_meta.doc Delineation of the Big Thompson Watershed Boundary. bt_main_stem_w_tribs_meta.doc Subset of 100K USGS DLG Hydrography with "Buckhorn Creek", "North Fork Big Thompson River", and the "Big Thompson River". bt_dwr_meta.doc Division of Water Resources Water Sampling Stations. bt_loveland_meta.doc City of Loveland Water Sampling Stations. bt_ncwcd_meta.doc Northern Colorado Water Conservency District Water Sampling Stations. bt_swat_meta.doc City of Fort Collins Water Sampling Stations. bt_usgs_meta.doc United States Geological Survey Water Sampling Stations. bt_utsd_meta.doc Upper Thompson Sanitation District Water Sampling Stations. hydro_100k_meta.doc Hydrography 1:100k scale Digital line graph (DLG) data. roads_bt_meta.doc Major roads obtained from the Colorado Department of Transportation. roads_minor_bt_meta.doc Minor roads obtained from the Colorado Department of Transportation.